
2020 EMBRACING BRAVE Houston Fall Recipient

On January 11, 2018 Patrick endured a traumatic birth and came into this world blue and lifeless with only a faint heartbeat. He was transferred to the NICU, intubated, and received the Hypothermic Cooling Procedure. During this procedure, they cooled his body down to 92 degrees Fahrenheit for 72 hours in order to prevent any further brain damage from occurring. After the cooling procedure, Patrick spent the next 3 or so weeks in the NICU sedated on seizure medication and trying to regain his natural reflexes. He was finally transferred to Texas Children’s Hospital where he was diagnosed with Severe Hypoxic–ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE).This basically means he went a significant time without oxygen during his birth. The parts of his brain that were injured by the oxygen deprivation control movement and motor planning, so we were told this would likely lead to a Cerebral Palsy diagnosis. After 30 days in the NICU, Patrick had a GTube placed so we could ensure he received adequate nutrition while continuing to work on his feeding skills at home. Since those very scary first weeks, Patrick has shown every doctor and specialist just how strong and resilient he is. His list of diagnoses include: Spastic Quadriplegic CP, Oral Aversion, Oral Dysphasia, Esotropia, and Global Developmental Delay. He attends weekly PT and OT and is starting Speech to learn how to use a communication device. At almost 3 years old, he is working on walking independently, fine motor skills, speech and communication skills, as well as feeding. Patrick tackles every new obstacle with the same determined and fiery spirit that he has had since birth. He is our little warrior and continues to amaze us every single day! Our family plans to use any money raised to help pay for his weekly therapies, medical supplies, or any equipment he might need.



You can help support any of our Honorary Families, by donating to Embracing Brave.